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羅莎離開家,進入一個特別恭敬耶穌聖心的修會做修女。她將家裡改變好的秘密告訴了母親。聖心像前的小燈還亮着,永遠地亮着! 一個平靜、感恩的紀念。


4.Lighten a Lamp In Front Of The Image Of Sacred Heart of Jesus

        Mr. S. pushed away his plate and, with a frown, addressed his eldest son in angry tones:    “I shall not tolerate your conduct much longer.   You are forming bad habits and your companions are a disgrace to your family.”   John at once arose from the table and left the room.   The father then turned his attention to his other son and informed him that what he had said to John also applied to him.   The boy looked sullen, but did not answer.   Having finished his supper, he, too, left the house.

        Mrs. S. sat silent, for she well knew that it was useless to plead for the boys because her husband had reason to be annoyed.   To Rose, her daughter, the scene was painful, and that night she lay awake wondering what she could do to establish peace in her home, for matters were growing worse each day.   She asked our Lady to show her what to do, then fell asleep.

        The next morning, while Rose was looking through an old trunk in the attic, she found a picture of the Heart of Jesus, which had been discarded because the frame was shabby.   Remembering the promise made by the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary that He would bring peace to the home where His divine Heart was honored, the girl decided not to waste time.   She immediately went and purchased a new frame for the beautiful picture.   This she hung in the living room, placing a small lamp before it, which she kept constantly burning.   At night when the family had retired, Rose would steal quietly to the place where the lamp glowed and pray that the Heart of Jesus would bring peace to her home.

        The girl was not disappointed, for in a short time her brothers realized that they were doing wrong, and their wild ways ceased. Mr. S. began to confide in his boys, and the family soon became loving and united.   When Rose left to enter the novitiate of an order especially dedicated to the Sacred Heart, she told her mother to secret of the change.   The lamp was never neglected and still burns – a silent, grateful memorial.