Home > 9.堅持到底的決心





















9.The Decision Of Persisting In The End

        Father Morris was overwhelmed by a sense of depression as he knelt before the altar and reviewed the ten years of his priestly life spent in this Indian village.   After his ordination he had been sent to the Reservation.   Burning with zeal, he had labored indefatigably for his flock, yet today he felt that he had nothing to show.   These children of the forest were so fickle in their good resolutions that his work seemed to be a failure.   Looking at the tabernacle, he whispered, “Heart of Christ, if I even knew that I had saved one soul during the years spent here, I would be satisfied.”

        He left the church and, on the threshold, met a young man who said,  “Father, I have missed the trail.   Can you direct me?”   The priest smiled and told the young man that it would be impossible to reach the other side of the mountain before dark.   “If you will accept my hospitality and think you can stand my cooking, I shall be glad to show you the way in the morning.”   The stranger gratefully accepted the invitation and Father found him intelligent and well-informed on many subjects.   The visit was prolonged for some days.

        Before the young man took his departure, the priest said to him, “I wish I had something worthwhile to give you as a souvenir.   As it is, although I know you are not a Catholic, I am going to give you the only thing I have.   Carry this little badge of the Sacred Heart to remind you of your stay in the wilderness.”  Wilfred accepted the badge and placed it in his pocket, promising never to part with it.

        He was off and the priest was lonelier than ever.   He continued to work hard among his people, but his dejection increased until finally he resolved to leave and go back to civilization.

        The day of his departure dawned and the Indians looked sad as they accompanied the Padre to the shore to await the appearance of the steamer that was to take him from their midst.   The boat arrived and the cutter with one passenger aboard started for land.   A stranger stepped out of it and handed the priest a letter, saying, “Father, you will have time to read it as the streamer does not leave for some time.”   The priest opened the envelope and read:   “Dear Padre – When I visited you I was desperate and thought life not worth living.   The sight of your heroic life of self-sacrifice made an impression that I could not easily forget.   I began studying your religion and yesterday was baptized and received the last sacraments.   I have been very ill but I meet death with joy for I know that my soul will be safe with God.   I owe all to the little badge of the Sacred Heart and your heroism.   You have saved my soul and, when I appear before the throne of God, I shall not forget you.   Wilfred.”

        The stranger was waiting and, when he saw that the priest had finished reading, he told him that Wilfred had died a few hours after writing the letter.   The steamer whistled and the young man said,   “Are you ready, Father?”   The priest smiled and replied,   “I have changed my mind.   I am not going.”

        Later, the priest stood before the picture of the Sacred Heart, so absorbed in thought that he did not hear the door open.   A tiny brown hand was thrust into his and little Philip said,  “Padre, me glad you no go!”   The Padre patted the child’s head, and looking at the picture whispered,  “Dear Heart of Christ, I, too, am glad.”