Home > 7.耶穌聖心帶來的平安




















7.Sacred Heart of Jesus Gives Us Peace

       Mr. Howard, with a scowl on his face, sat reading the paper.   His wife was looking very angry.   Neither spoke until little Evelyn came into the room and, approaching her father, said, “Daddy, will you play ‘bear’ with me?  “I have no time, I must go to my club,” was the impatient answer.   Then the child took a book and asked her mother to read a story for her, only to receive the reply, “I am going to the movies and I shall be late, so tell Jane to put you to bed.”   Evelyn went sadly upstairs, wishing that her mother and father would not be so cross.

        The next day in school the teacher explained the promises of the Sacred Heart. When dismissal came, Evelyn approached the desk and said,   “Sister, will you please give me a picture of the Sacred Heart to take home?”   The teacher smiled and gave the child what she wanted.   “Thank you, Sister!  I know we shall be happy now.”

        When Evelyn reached home, she ran into the living room and quickly pinned the picture on the wall.   “Evelyn, you must not stick pins in the wall,” said Mrs. Howard.   “But, Mother, the Sacred Heart has promised that He will bring peace to the homes where His divine Heart is honored.   I am going to say, ‘Sacred Heart, I love You’ every time I pass this picture and then we will have a nice time, for Daddy will play games with me and you will read stories.”

        The parents said nothing but took the lesson to heart.   The little picture remained in its place, although in the course of time it became rather soiled, owing to the kisses which Evelyn imprinted on it.   Very often she told the Sacred Heart that she loved Him, and begged Him to answer her prayer.

        In a few weeks father no longer sought his club and mother had lost interest in movies.   Merry games were played at home.

        One evening as Evelyn waited for her father’s return, she saw him take from his car a large parcel which greatly excited her curiosity.   Mr. Howard smiled as he said,  “This is a thanks-offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for having fulfilled His promise, ‘I shall establish peace in the home where my Sacred Heart is honored!’”   It proved to be a beautiful picture to replace the small one. Evelyn gazed at it a few moments in silence, then softly said, “Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, we all love You now!”