Home > 12.迷失的羊回歸羊棧









12.The Lost Sheep Return to the Flock

        Father Wallace, buried in thought, was walking slowly back and forth in his little garden.   He was worried and depressed at his seeming inability to bring his flock to the Master’s feet.   For six months he had labored in this little mining town without making any impression on the people, who seldom attended Mass and positively refused to partake of the grace of the sacraments.

        The priest went to the church and begged the Good Shepherd to show him some means of bringing these straying sheep back to the fold.   Later, while examining his mail, he found a pamphlet entitled,  “Devotion to the Sacred Heart,” and read the promise,  “I shall give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.”  Father Wallace smiled for this surely was an answer to his prayer. He would buy a statue of the Sacred Heart and place it in his church.   The order was sent, and in a few days the statue arrived.

        Father visited the mines and homes of his people, telling them that the new statue would be blessed on Sunday after Mass.   The miners came and the pastor preached on devotion to the Sacred Heart.

        Little by little a transformation took place.   The priest was no longer obliged to remind them of the necessity of assisting at Mass, and the sacraments were faithfully attended.   The Sacred Heart had fulfilled His promise!