Home > 14.送玫瑰花給耶穌的女孩

     金神父渡假歸來,有人告訴他神父的宿舍旁的美麗宅第 ,已經出售給一個非天主教的家庭。有一天下午,主任神父在花園中看書,他很高興地聽到一個小孩跟她的狗說話:




































14.The Girl Who Sent Roses to Jesus

     When Father Clark returned from his vacation, he was informed that the beautiful mansion next to the rectory had been sold and was now occupied by a non-Catholic family.

        One afternoon while the pastor was reading in the garden, he was amused to hear a child’s voice administering a lecture to her dog.   “You are a bad, bad dog, Rover, for you have broken my dollie’s arm!” The priest watched the scene and smiled at the pretty picture made by the beautiful child and the St. Bernard dog.   Seeing him smile, the little girl came to the fence and, thrusting the doll through the bars, she asked,  “Mister, please mend my doll?”  Father took the maimed doll and saw that he could remedy the misfortune with the aid of adhesive plaster.  “I shall have to take your dollie into the house for a little while,”  remarked the priest.  “I must go too,”  the child answered.   The maid was approaching and Father asked if there would be any objection.   She lifted her charge over the fence and soon Father Clark was busy with the afflicted doll, while her owner watched the proceedings.

        “What is your name?”  asked the priest.   “When I am good, I am Evelyn, but when I am naughty, I am called Eve.”  Father Clark laughed.  “What is your name?”  the little one asked.  “When I am good, I am named Father James but when I am naughty, people call me Father Jim.”  Evelyn clapped her hands and said,  “I am glad you are naughty, too.”

        The next day, while reading his Office in the garden, Father heard Evelyn call,  “Father James!”  but, as he wished to finish the psalm, he did not answer.   Again she repeated his name, still no reply.   Then at last a shrill little voice called,  “Father Jim!”  Surely this could not be resisted and Father Clark approached the fence where Evelyn stood with her hands behind her back.  “You were naughty.”  She admonished, “but I have a present for you because you cured my dollie and I like you, too.”  She handed him a beautiful red rosebud.   The priest thanked the child and told her that he would give it to his best Friend.   “Where does your best Friend live?”   “Over there,”  and the priest pointed to the church .  “Bring me to see Him?”  At this moment Evelyn’s mother came from the house and, approaching Father, remarked that she hoped that the child was not annoying him.   Father Clark heartily responded that he loved little children and never tired of having them around.   Permission  was given for Evelyn to come to the Rectory as often as Father wished.   So the child has the opportunity of paying her first visit to the church.

        Father Clark placed the rose in a vase and lifted the little one up so that she might come closer to the beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart.  “Poor best Friend!” murmured Evelyn.   “Father James, won’t you cure His hands and feet as you did my dollie’s?”   The priest told the child of the loving Heart that wished to suffer because people were bad.  “I shall bring best friend a nice rose every day to make Him happy.”   Evelyn kept her promise and the Heart that loves little children was comforted each day by a visit from the child.

        One morning Evelyn did not appear and her father, Mr. Trevett, called on Father Clark, bearing a beautiful bunch of roses.   “Evelyn is ill but she made me promise that I would bring you a rose, Father.   Will you please come when you are at leisure and assure her that I have kept my word?”

        Father Clark called to see his little friend and found her very ill.   He asked her parents to allow him to baptize the child and they readily agreed.   When he had finished, Evelyn whispered,  “Father James, tell best Friend I shall come tomorrow.”

        The next evening, when the nurse had left the room, Evelyn climbed from her bed and, taking a white rose from a vase on the table, stole out of the house to the church.   Father Clark was praying before the altar, when he saw the child totter through the sacristy door to the statue of the Sacred Heart.   Before the priest could reach her, she fell, still clinging to the flower.   Gently Father lifted the child he loved so dearly, but her best Friend, whose love was greater still, had taken her soul to rest within His divine Heart.

        During  the lonely months that followed, Mr. and Mrs. Trevett came to know the Heart of Jesus and to receive comfort from Him as their best Friend.